Monday, March 5, 2012

Sensual secrets of the yoni empowering women in the area of sexuality

As a sex educator, therapist and writer, I am an avid reader of books pertaining to human sexuality.  
One of my personal favorites is, “Women’s Anatomy of Arousal” by Sheri Winston.  In her book she talks about a woman’s vulva (vagina) yoni in a way that is empowering, beautiful and inspiring.  As a sex educator and sex toy advocate I enjoy weaving the two together to help women have better sex in their lives.
One of the ways in which a woman can feel more comfortable about her body, masturbation, and sexual intimacy is to love herself all of herself.  This love involves understanding that her yoni or vulva is special, sacred and that she has a choice when and who to share it with. 
This past weekend I did a sex toy education party for some young ladies at Occidental College, who had just done the play Vagina Monologues… I found the experience as a sex therapist rather than just an educator or "sex toy salesperson" to be more of an awaking for young women, to understand that they are in control off their sexuality.  Women through television, culture,  parenting are often taught to be please others, make them happy even at their own expense, when it comes to sex this happens more often than not.
One of my favorite pieces of information to share with women is “The Goddess Guide” which explains to women that their yoni is sacred, and if they don’t want to have sex then they have the right to say no.  The other part of the class was to explain the workings of the vagina itself, when women gets aroused it is more than her vagina getting wet, for her to be ready for intercourse.  In fact if a woman is not physically ready to have intercourse then it can hurt, and not feel comfortable.  The vulva takes time to engorge with blood, become full, wet and the vagina itself to dilate and grow to accommodate a penis.
Educating women is empowering women, but in reality where do they get this type of education from. Sex education class hardly offers this vital information….that is why I promote the sex positive people out there trying to make a different.  Associations like AASECT, SSSS, IPSA, Dr. Patti Britton, Creative Sexuality , Tamar (sex surrogate) and sex counselors like myself Dawn Michael For more information on sex positive associations contact

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